May 21, 2010

R.I.P. Facebook

My attempt at "breaking out of the matrix" (as a friend put it) took one step forward today as I deleted my Facebook account. At first glance, it seems like a dumb move. For all its privacy issues, Facebook really is a useful tool to keep in touch with friends and family from all over the world. For an artist, it's even more useful as you are able to let your "fans" know of your work (although YouTube does a good job of that). So why pull the plug? Simple, lost of interest. My focus is on the blog and my YouTube page (I'll put up some content in the coming week so watch out world!). Facebook came as a distant third. The overflow of e-mails, the messages, the stalking (yes there is such a thing as Facebook stalkers), it's one less thing I have to worry about. Truth be told, I don't miss it and don't think I ever will. Does this mean I'll never go back on Facebook? Nope. The one reason I would go back would be once I have a book released or an album.

Today's looking like a beautiful day and I'm heading back to the big O for the long weekend. Should be lots of fun. Until next time folks.....

Shalom :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you... good move ! :)
