Aug 30, 2010


Hey, hey, hey fam!

Seems like it's been a while since my last post but there's been quite a few changes on my end. For starters, my macbook is officially D-E-A-D. Apple must be crazy to think I'm going to pay $800+ to fix my laptop, so I did the next best thing and bought myself a lil' netbook to hold me down until I can buy an iMac. Truth be told, it's just an object and I'm not that pissed about it (thank God for my external hard drive!), but I do miss the user-friendly interface of a Mac.

(insert sad violin music)

Second thing I wanted to talk about is my poetry. I performed a few weeks ago at a benefit concert for Haiti. Unfortunately, I don't have any footage but people showed me a lot of love. I praise God that I actually feel like I can make a difference in someone's life with words. I've also made the final cut for a talent show at work, which is really cool and nerve-racking all at once. It will be a side of me that people haven't seen so I'm anxious to see how they will react. There's also an open mic event going on in Ottawa soon that I'll be participating in so right now ya boy is writing and memorizing as much as possible. If there's one thing I learned about the performing arts is that you can never be too ready. I have a dream and I'm doing everything I can to make it a reality.

So that's about it folks, another day, another blog entry.

Shalom :)

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