Dec 28, 2010

Signing off...

Alright guys, this is it. I've moved everything over to Tumblr so this will be my last post here. If you still want to follow the blog (why wouldn't you want to?), you can find it @ (thumbs up for the domain registration)

See you guys over there!!

Shalom :)

Dec 23, 2010

One year later...

Officially hit that 1 year mark

I didn't think it would happen but "A Livin Letter" is one year old and I couldn't be happier!!!! This time last year, I wasn't where I wanted to be and I felt like I needed to do something. At that time I wasn't sure what that THING would be but after much thought and reading, I came up with the idea of blogging about my life, as transparent as I could possibly be. I've had a blast doing it and have been pretty consistent in my posting  (although I want to share my thoughts a lot more).

So, what to expect for next year??? For one, I want to do a weekly segment where I speak my mind about a particular subject. I'm aiming more towards something on the biblical side but I'm not exactly sure what it will be for now. And two, expect more transparency from me. I've gone through some situations over 2010 and I feel I need to share some of it with you guys. Proverbs 28:13 makes this clear:

"He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy"

Anonymous programs such as AA teach you that the first step to breaking an addiction or solving an issue is to first admit that we have a problem. Christianity is no different. Pride has such a stronghold on us that we keep our mouths shut when it comes to admitting our deepest flaws. But God shows us that by doing this, we are breaking the very bonds that keep us from prospering. If you break it down, we get stronger by showing our weaknesses. It sounds scary, but it's the only way to move forward. Keeping it on the inside only makes matters worse. I don't want to start a sermon here, but I'll talk about this more at a later time.

Before I get out of here, I just wanted to say thanks to anyone who took the time to read the blog. There were times where I felt this whole thing was pointless but you guys kept me going with your kind words of encouragement. I know this blog has a purpose so as long as you keep reading, I'll keep posting. Much love to y'all. Until next time....

Shalom :)

Dec 21, 2010

Kids say the wisest times

I don't think there's one person out there who doesn't know who the Peanuts are. Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, etc.... I grew up watching most of their specials, but the one that stands out the most for me is the Charlie Brown Christmas. In particular for this scene:

First off, I don't celebrate Christmas. The tree, decorations and gift exchange doesn't happen at my house. But this time of year is my favorite because people seem to be friendlier and I get to spent quality time with my family, which is always a blast. Second (and I hope not to offend anyone), Christ wasn't even born on December 25th. I'm not gonna get into a debate or elaborate discussion because the evidence is there if you do the research.  Now the reason I say all this, is because Linus brings up a good point. Christmas has become a big business and people are so caught up in the commercial aspect of it, that we completely forget the greatest gift of all, Jesus himself who happens to be on everyone's mind (although they think of him as the baby boy in manger, and not Mel Gisbon's version). What better time to share the Gospel then when people are gathered together to celebrate his birth. 

So to everyone celebrating the holidays, remember that had it not being for Christ, we would have nothing to celebrate.

Shalom :D

Tumbling Down (Mark J ft. Sho Baraka)

This song gave me chills. It makes you think are you ready to follow Christ, even at the cost of your life?

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" - Phillipians 1:21

Shalom :)

Parent Me Video (J'son ft. J.R.)

This song has to be the most heartfelt song I've heard in a long time. I can definitely relate to this, as my parents are divorced and my mom worked real hard to provide for myself and my siblings. Once I become a father, I will do my very best to be there for my kids.

Shalom :)

Loc Journey: Day 235 (I'm baaaack)

25 years on this earth and counting...

This post is kinda late but life has a way of interrupting me when I'm most determined to get something done. Last friday, I celebrated my 25th birthday. First off, I want to thank God for the opportunity to still be alive. Many people don't have a chance to live this long and I feel very fortunate to be here and doing well.

Now I'm not one to make a big deal on my birthday. I spend the day reflecting on my past year and see what I want to accomplish for the coming year (I guess you can call it birthday resolutions). But the more I think about it, the more I realize that in 5 years, I'll turn 30 and it's a scary thought. See, I've always said to myself that by 30, I would have to accomplish something big that would define me as an individual. In our youth, we are more zealous to accomplish things so I want to maximize my time because as you know, we can never get it back. So I've been working a lot harder towards my goals (and my fair share of procrastination). I have no desire to be that dude stuck in an office job in his 40s and reminiscing. No sir! Not me!

So to anyone who's thinking like me, let's go get it! And always remember to BE what you want to SEE

Shalom :)

Dec 3, 2010

Meat-free life: 1 year later

Don't you do it Lisa!

I was talking with a co-worker of mine about my vegetarian lifestyle and how I've been able to hold on so far. And it hit me.....December 1st marks 1 year of dropping meat :)

(insert loud cheers)

People ask me all the time what made me switch to vegetarianism and the answer is quite simple: There is no reason. It was simply because I had a choice to do something different and I took it. I still remember the day before I made the switch. I was at a Jamaican restaurant and was eating a big plate of jerk chicken and rice (miss you guys) and thought to myself "Maybe I should try being vegetarian and see how long I can keep it up". So after devouring my plate, I told the chef of my new found dietary lifestyle and he kinda laughed a little saying "You sure 'bout that broda?" He was right, I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go in that particular direction, but I wanted to challenge myself. And so, that was my last contact with meat and I haven't looked back since. My diet has changed quite drastically. From veggie meat to soy milk, I've embraced the no-meat diet and even added some vegan elements to it (dropping milk and eggs along the way).

I'm thinking of taking on another challenge but I still don't know what it should be. No matter what my decision is, I know I have a good blueprint to follow.


Nov 27, 2010

Moving on...

Well it seems like all good things come to an end and my time has come to end this blog........


and move it to Tumblr!!! (y'all were scared for a sec)

Seems like I'll have a little more flexibility to do things on Tumblr so I'm making the move. It's gonna take me a while since I do have a ton of things coming up in the next few weeks, but by mid-December, everything should be moved to the new site.

One other thing, I'll soon be registering the name "Livin' Letter". I have a lot of projects in mind and putting it all under one name would greatly benefit me in building a "brand". I'll let y'all know how that works out.

Until next time

Shalom :)

Old man Winter is close by...

View outside my living room. I got my boots ready
Shalom o_o

Nov 25, 2010

Gotta get my fruits in

I should be in bed right now but this album is keeping me awake. Even for the non-Christian heads, this album is a throwback to what Hip-Hop and R&B was; A breath of fresh air and once again, for the low, low price of free (emphasis on F-R-E-E) 99, you can get a copy by clicking here.

Side note: I need to get a B3AR FRUIT shirt, the logo and message behind it is great

Shalom :)

Nov 20, 2010

Wes Pendleton's "The Paste Up" EP

I don't know how I missed this one, put this EP is proper folks!! Think of Kanye pre-Graduation and A Tribe Called Quest. The best part? It's free 99!!! It's a great lil' Christian EP so click  here to download.

Shalom :)

Nov 16, 2010

Tell 'em (insert your name here)!

Hadn't check my YouTube page in a while so I'm a few days late, but this song is SERIOUS!!! I  pray for everyone that struggles with this aspect in their christian walk (Lord knows I do).

Shalom :)

Nov 7, 2010

Level 3:16 - Emcees and vocalists

That Michael Jackson line was crazy!! But I gotta show love to the vocalists too:

Can't wait for this group to release their album!

Shalom :)

Oct 29, 2010

A lesson in love courtesy of Stevie Wonder

Let me start off by stating the following: Stevie Wonder is the greatest musician of all time. Forget the Beatles, Elvis, Quincy or Michael (sorry folks, although he's the greatest entertainer of all time). I could listen to this man sing the phone book and I would still be in awe. To try and pick a favorite song of his would be suicide as his catalog spans over 5 decades but one of my all time favorites is ''Make sure you're sure'' from the Jungle Fever soundtrack.  The lyrics are simply brilliant:

Preach Stevie!!!

Shalom :)

Oct 18, 2010

Mini review: Waiting for Superman

I just got back from seeing ''Waiting for Superman'' and it has to be one of the greatest documentaries I've ever seen. It's a real eye opener on the American school system and its faults but more importantly it shows the victims from all this, the children. The teachers, unions, to a certain extent the goverment itself is so caught up with the idea of helping children that the execution fails and the children suffer with teachers who can barely teach and schools that produce more drop-outs and graduates. I HIGHLY suggest you go see it. Two thumbs up!

Shalom :)

Oct 13, 2010

Ebony and Ivory: A perfect harmony?

I know, I know, I know....... but I'll let Pastor Justin clear things up:

I know personally I struggle with the notion of racism within the church wall. It's not as obvious as, say, someone calling me the N word or calling someone a ''honky'' (enter 1960s slang), but racism is a reality within the body of Christ. How many times have people mentioned the term ''White church'' or ''black church'', or even commenting on the type of music that we listen to? Gospel music has become synonymous with ''black music'' whereas christian contemporary is considered ''white music''. Truth is, there are whites and blacks in both genres. Personally, this is something that I have to work on (especially music-wise). I believe that all of us have dealt with racism whether by dishing it out or receiving it but it's not a reason to continue the trend once are lives are changed by God. Last time I checked, John 3:16 states that God gave his only son so that ALL who believe in Him shall have eternal life. Not just Latinos, Africans or any other race but for everyone regardless of their ethnicity.  My prayer is that we can see pass the skin color and into the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

''Christian virtues unite men. Racism separates them'' - Sargent Shriver


Oct 12, 2010

Urban Scribes: W.H.Prose

I've been watching this brotha on YouTube for a bit and he's always inspiring me to become a better poet. This piece blew me away because it sums up everything that I feel about poetry in three words; labor of love:


Sep 21, 2010

The perfect mash-up

I just listened to a few cuts off the John Legend & The Roots album: "Wake Up!". It's nothing short of amazing! It's the perfect blend of old school and new school. As far as I know, all the tracks (with the exception of one) are remakes from the greats (Marvin Gaye, Donnie Hathaway to name a few). I'm feeling this cut in particular:

Shalom :)

Sep 16, 2010

Thinking about love on a rainy Thursday...

This song always makes me think about that special someone that's out there just for me. I may not know  who she is but you can believe I'll be playing this at the wedding:

Shalom <3

Sep 12, 2010

To whom much is given...

4 shades of happiness :D

Another weekend has passed and I gotta get my mind right to start another work week. This post should have gone up last week but due to circumstances that were in my control (a.k.a. laziness), I'm posting this up today. 

Last week, my employer was organizing a talent show as a way to have a little fun in the office. Wanting to do something a lil' different, I decided to participate. We were six finalists that were due to perform at lunchtime in our cafeteria. Seeing how everybody was singing, I was gonna recite the poem I wrote about Haiti (you can click here for the YouTube clip). So I did it and the feedback was great but the one thing I remembered was one lady who told me: "You know, your poem was an eye-opener for me. Thank you". Those words really touched me. As a poet, when your words can stir up someone's emotions, then you've done your job. I honestly could have chosen any other subject matter for that event but I wanted to speak about something that was dear to my heart. It's been 8 months since the earthquake and while most have forgotten this tragedy, for one day, I reminded folks that Haiti is still here and it ain't going nowhere!

The opportunity to speak in front of a crowd that is willing to listen is not something that should be taken for granted. It's an opportunity to speak about things that truly matter and shed some lights on dark issues. I'm very fortunate that God's giving me a talent that I'm really passionate about. And although procrastination shows its ugly head every now and then, I make the most of what is given to me. My prayer for ya'll is that you do the same.

Shalom :D

Sep 9, 2010

Urban Scribes: Josh Bennett

What can I say about this dude? Other than the fact that he looks like a friend of mine, he's a great poet and an MC to boot. Dude was solid in Brave New Voices but this poem is my favorite of his hands down. It's everything that I ever wanted to say to a black woman whether it be my mother, sister, cousin, lover, etc....

Shalom :)

Sep 5, 2010

Secrets to Success

I had a chance to see this brotha at my local church yesterday and dude was CRA-Z! I'm seeing a lot of changes that I'll have to do in my life in order to better my walk with Christ. He mentioned that he had a YouTube page so being the techie that I am, I checked it out and landed on these videos about what you need to be successful. It was definitely an eye opener:

Here's part 2:

Shalom :)

Aug 30, 2010


Hey, hey, hey fam!

Seems like it's been a while since my last post but there's been quite a few changes on my end. For starters, my macbook is officially D-E-A-D. Apple must be crazy to think I'm going to pay $800+ to fix my laptop, so I did the next best thing and bought myself a lil' netbook to hold me down until I can buy an iMac. Truth be told, it's just an object and I'm not that pissed about it (thank God for my external hard drive!), but I do miss the user-friendly interface of a Mac.

(insert sad violin music)

Second thing I wanted to talk about is my poetry. I performed a few weeks ago at a benefit concert for Haiti. Unfortunately, I don't have any footage but people showed me a lot of love. I praise God that I actually feel like I can make a difference in someone's life with words. I've also made the final cut for a talent show at work, which is really cool and nerve-racking all at once. It will be a side of me that people haven't seen so I'm anxious to see how they will react. There's also an open mic event going on in Ottawa soon that I'll be participating in so right now ya boy is writing and memorizing as much as possible. If there's one thing I learned about the performing arts is that you can never be too ready. I have a dream and I'm doing everything I can to make it a reality.

So that's about it folks, another day, another blog entry.

Shalom :)

Aug 22, 2010

The flesh is weak

It's Sunday and we're on the heels of a new work week. This weekend has been an interesting one full of activities and discovery. I was listening to a christian hip-hop radio show and the host was interviewing two of my favorite artists: The Ambassador and Da T.R.U.T.H. For those who don't know them, you need to leave this page right now and check 'em out on YouTube. It's ok, I'll wait.......








Now as I was saying, these brothers have some amazing music that's uplifted me at times and even educated me on certain subjects. About a year ago however, both these brothers took a break from ministry because they had committed adultery. I remember reading the article and feeling shocked. Here you have two young men preaching the Word, having a career revolving around ministry and they fall to sin. It showed me that we are ALL victims to sin and none of us are perfect or will ever be perfect until God himself makes that transformation a reality. Now the host of the radio was speaking with them both about how their lives have changed and the reason they felt ready to come back to public ministry. The one thing that stuck to my mind was the theme of humility. So many times we think to be holier than our neighbour and forget to look at ourselves in the mirror. But we have to remember that none of us are exempt from sin's wrath. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the grace of God. Not most, not the majority, but everybody on this earth. That's something that we gotta remind ourselves everyday.

My prayer to y'all is to always keep your eyes on Christ and count on Him to give you the strength that we lack because without Him, we are nothing.

''...My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness...''- 2 Corinthians 12:9

Shalom :)

Aug 13, 2010

Be careful what you wish for

I remember at the beginning of the year, I was asking God to open doors for me so that I can use my talents for Him. Well it seems like He not only opened the door but broke the hinges off completely! I'm rehearsing for a poem that I'll be performing this Sunday in Ottawa and the following Saturday, I'll be performing at another event. Two weekends in a row, back-to-back! Ain't God good? 

I just need to prepare for it all and make sure that I have some good words to share with the people. I'm not too worried because He who guides, provides as well :)


Aug 12, 2010

Poem: She

For my YouTubers, make sure to subscribe and support ya boy.

Shalom :)

Aug 5, 2010

The Karate Kid: Haitian edition

What do you get when you put a bunch of haitians together who've seen too many karate flicks and a camera? Well....

Shalom :)

Jul 28, 2010

The beauty that is Haiti

I realize that some of these pics don't apply since the earthquake hit, but most people think of Haiti as one giant slum. There's so much more to the country than people think:

"Pearl of the Carribean" indeed.

Shalom :)

Jul 17, 2010

Valuable life lesson starting Denzel Washington

Everytime I watch this I get goosepumps. The man has an aura that cannot be matched. He truly is the greatest African-American actor of his time no doubt about it. That's what makes this scene from August Wilson's play "Fences" that much more amazing:

Goosebumps I tell you. Goose.Pumps.

Jul 5, 2010

We gon' make it

I was a big ATCQ fan back in the day but this track still speaks to me. Keep your head up.

Jun 28, 2010

The Book of Life

A few weeks ago I decided to rent download "The Book of Eli" for a few reasons. First off, it started Denzel Washington, who I strongly believe is the greatest male actor since Sidney Poitier. If you disagree just check out the man's resume (his performance in Malcolm X alone is in the top 10 of all-time). The other reason is because I wanted to know what that "book" was exactly. So I watched it, and was blown away. Why you ask? Simple.

(***SPOILER ALERT***) The "book" was actually the Bible. The antagonist believed that by possessing this book, he would have control over a post-Apocalyptic world. I had never seen such importance but on the Bible outside of Christianity, much less coming from Hollywood. I had to think about that for a moment. Many don't know (or simply won't admit) that the Bible plays a great part in our human society. It's the best selling book each year and has been distributed more than any other book on this earth. As soon as you are about to testify in court, you are sworn to tell the truth with one hand in the air and the other on the Bible. Everything from laws to diets have been covered in this book , yet, people still don't take the time to experience it for themselves. Thomas Paine sums it up best with this quote:

"The Bible is a book that has been read more and examined less than any book that ever existed"

So many answers are found in its pages. We just gotta take the time to look at it for ourselves. I had almost forgotten how powerful and helpful this book really was. Sad to say, it took a movie from Hollywood to make me realize it. 

Shalom :)

Jun 27, 2010

Starting the loc journey...again

Seeing as I've now become a "dread-head" (still in the infancy stage y'all), I figured why not share this journey with the world? Here's the first of many, many videos to come!

Shalom :)

Jun 13, 2010

Poem: A Moment in Damascus

We haven’t spoken in days
My answering machine is full
Of messages from You
I’m here for you if You need me
Just call me
You know the number
I know it all too well
I’ve dialed it so many times
In times of distress
And now I digress
Because I’m a hot mess
Without You
The Alpha and Omega
Of my life
The reason I’m alive
And able to breathe
It’s not like time is of concern
I know just as well as You that
I ALWAYS have time for You
Father God
Excuses, excuses
Never lead to repentance
But to more excuses
That transform into ignorance
Ignoring the warning signs
Flashier than Kanye’s lights
At my strongest I feel
That perhaps I have crossed over to the
Place where grace and mercy
Have vacated the premises
And faced to live life
Alone in a valley of darkness
Absent of the guiding light
That lit my pathway
Bare is my heart
Empty is my soul
My spiritual tank is on E
And I need to be filled
By Your Spirit
Which is Holy
Pure and
So we’ll talk for awhile
Losing all notions of time
Because you dictate
The moments
The hours
The minutes
The seconds
And when it’s all said
And done
I will be made new
In Your eyes
And stand
To be a

Shalom :)

Jun 12, 2010

''What u lookin' at?''

@ Ottawa's Museum of Nature:

Shalom :)

Going to the next level!

This vacation went by way too quickly. Don't get me wrong, I had a chance to rest quite a bit but also be productive in other things. Unfortunately, it's back to reality as Soul II Soul would say (old school reference for my music heads). I was talking to my brother about eating healthy and taking care of our bodies the right way and it got me thinking: "I've been vegetarian for 6 months!". I didn't think I'd be able to do it but here I am still holding strong. But I want to take it to the next level so as of July 1st, I will become a vegan.


I know, I know...

It's a big step but I feel like I can handle the change. I've already purchased a vegan cookbook and will be posting a YouTube video getting people's input on this new lifestyle. Who would have thought I'd become this healthy so quickly?

Shalom :)

Jun 8, 2010

N.O.W. (No opportunities wasted)

Currently on vacation until next week so I'm making the most out of all this free-time available. The writing bug has struck so it looks like I'll be pulling an all-nighter. On my current playlist is this oldie but goodie by India.Arie courtesy of Sergio Mendes:

Shalom :)

Jun 7, 2010

Poem: Great Omnipotent Deity (G.O.D.)

I was reading through some of my writings and found this piece which happens to be a favorite of mine:

Before I ever thought of doing something
saw me through it
Before I ever said a word
Knew the conversation
Before I ever shed a tear
Had the tissues ready
Before I ever apologized
Had already forgiven me
Before I ever sang a note
Saw me with the choir
Before I ever had a job
Saw my career
Before I ever ran away
Had my room ready
Before I ever gave my life to HIM
Saw me kneeling at the cross
Before I ever knew HIM
HE knew me

Jun 4, 2010

Vintage R&B: Jon B

One of my favorite tunes along with one of my favorite actresses. You put the two together and you get a great combination:

Shalom :)

May 31, 2010

Vintage R&B: Tevin Campbell

Just a little dose of real music for those who still appreciate it. Although the hair was not working for him, the boy can truly SANG!

Shalom :)

May 28, 2010

The Single Experience

Shalom :)

Creativity still lives in the music industry

I haven't been feeling too well so I've slept for most of the day. It's looking like an all-nighter for ya boy. I stumbled on this video by Oren Lavie. This joint is off.the.chains. Every once in a while, I'm reminded that there are still some genuine artists on this planet. I salute you Mr. Lavie:

Shalom :)

May 24, 2010


Well I'm happy to say that I got around recording a few videos during the long weekend. I'll post them up throughout the week for your enjoyment. Here's the first one called "Boys and Men"

Shalom :)

May 21, 2010

R.I.P. Facebook

My attempt at "breaking out of the matrix" (as a friend put it) took one step forward today as I deleted my Facebook account. At first glance, it seems like a dumb move. For all its privacy issues, Facebook really is a useful tool to keep in touch with friends and family from all over the world. For an artist, it's even more useful as you are able to let your "fans" know of your work (although YouTube does a good job of that). So why pull the plug? Simple, lost of interest. My focus is on the blog and my YouTube page (I'll put up some content in the coming week so watch out world!). Facebook came as a distant third. The overflow of e-mails, the messages, the stalking (yes there is such a thing as Facebook stalkers), it's one less thing I have to worry about. Truth be told, I don't miss it and don't think I ever will. Does this mean I'll never go back on Facebook? Nope. The one reason I would go back would be once I have a book released or an album.

Today's looking like a beautiful day and I'm heading back to the big O for the long weekend. Should be lots of fun. Until next time folks.....

Shalom :)

May 16, 2010

Miles Davis: The Brew to my kind of blue

I was in a Miles Davis mood today and just had to share this great cover with y'all:

Shalom :)

May 10, 2010

An Ex Porn-Star's Testimony

Once again, I was browsing YouTube and stumbled on this video. Big ups to P4CM for dealing with a subject that is so hush-hush in the church. When it comes to changing lives, you can never underestimate the power of God. As the rapper Jahaziel would say: "When men says impossible, God says I'm possible."

Shalom :)

May 7, 2010

Between Two Worlds Promo

This has to be one of the best promos I've seen for an album:

Content aside, what really stands out is the professionalism of the video. It shows what great talent we have within the body of Christ (da church). Best believe I'll be getting this joint June 22nd and hope you will too.

Shalom :)

May 3, 2010

OMG song

Don't ask me why but I've been putting this song on repeat for a bit now. It's just catchy and very laid back:

Shalom :)

Masterpiece of minimalism

Writing is a lot like a relationship; you can't rush it, you have to be patient and willing to put a lot of work for it to pay off. These last few days, I haven't been treating her (poetry) right and neglecting her need to be cared for. It's not that there's a lack of inspiration in my life (Lord knows what I've been going through these last few weeks) but I haven't figured out the way to formulate it all into words. This poetry book in the making is something real personal to me and I can't wait to share it with the world. A tiny piece of myself that people can flip through and maybe even learn from. I never realized how much work goes into this art form. The preparation, the writing, the re-writing, the re-re-writing (lol maybe not the last one), it can take a toll on someone. Shoot, I'm beginning to think that I'm feeling its effects but I'm keeping my eyes on the prize which will make it all worthwhile. I researched a few of my favorite poets and all have gone through a similar time in their writing lives where they simply needed to put their pen down and live. I might take the same approach and relax on my writing for a bit. It will give me more time to post up some YouTube clips on my channel (don't forget to subscribe; it's my full name). Until next time folks, I leave you with this quote about writing:

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."  ~Sylvia Plath

Shalom :)

Apr 26, 2010

Thoughts on Saturday's event

What's good fam? As you know, I performed at the Fundraiser for Haiti event this past Saturday. Overall, the evening was bananas!!! Great music, great acts and the food was on point (spring rolls were so good I thought there was some meat for a sec!!). It was great to see some friends and enjoy an evening full of surprises. As far as my performance goes, it went good. Being the perfectionist that I am, I wasn't 100% satisfied but the crowd loved it and that's what really matters. I've posted the videos on my YouTube account:

Love through Beats

A poem for Haiti

A big thanks to everybody that showed me love that night with words of encouragement. I'm looking forward to the next time I get to speak my mind through the mic. I'll be posting some more videos of my work in the near future so pelase subscribe to my YouTube page (Click here for the link).
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta do my taxes and get some of this GVT money :D


Apr 19, 2010

On my slam-poetry grind

I got some work to do before Saturday...

A friend of mine is organizing a fundraising event for Haiti this Saturday and has asked me to perform some spoken-word. I'm real excited for this event and looking forward to lace up a few words to the mic. I'm perfecting the pieces now and can honestly say that I'm satisfied with the outcome. For those in the area, you can click here for more details. It will also be the first time that I perform without my BRIHN family which is exciting and nerve-racking all at once. Hopefully, I'll be able to record the whole thing and post it up sometime next week. Before I go, I encourage all my christian hip-hop heads to check out Dwayne Tryumf's new album, 777(Mark of the Peace). I've had it on CONSTANT repeat for a bit now. Amazing lyrics, crazy UK beats and not to mention the greatest intro track I have EVER heard. As London would say: ''The man is speaking truff!!!''. Check this accapella version of his intro track:

Shalom :)

Apr 17, 2010

Don't call it a comeback

Not ashamed to rep the cross

What's good folks? I know, I know; it's been a little while since I've hit you with a new post, but I was going through a little spiritual drought but I'm back in full effect! One thing during this period of drought I learned is that it doesn't matter if you fall, because nobody's perfect; what matters is what you do once you've fallen. Do you stay down or do you get up and try again? It's easy to stay down because it requires no effort on our part. We can just sit back and chill. Getting back up, however, is a whole different story. It requires a great amount of persistence that we may not always have. What helps however, is a goal which gives us the will to get back up and continue on your journey. This applies not only in the christian walk but life in general. Without a goal, we'd roam around aimlessly with no reason. So for anybody feeling lost in their faith, keep your eyes on the prize and get back up.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified. - 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27

Shalom :)

Apr 2, 2010

Lions & Liars: Sho Baraka's Masterpiece

I must say this album has been in the making for quite sometime now (3-4 yrs to be exact). I remember listening to a few tracks of his first album and thinking: "When's the next one coming?". What makes him stand out among others in the Christian Rap community is his delivery and approach. There is a lot of creativity that goes into his music and it's truly a breath of fresh air compared to what we see today. His second album was released a few days ago and I IMMEDIATELY bought it. I'm not the type to promote artists, but trust me when I tell you that this album is his best work up to date. If there's one thing I was sad to see, is that the song "Secular Praise" wasn't included on this album. Thankfully, ya boy was able to pull a Sherlock Holmes for the bloggers to enjoy. 

That's enough plugging for me. I'm out

Shalom :)

Mar 29, 2010

Poem: Ms. Poetry

Your words resonate

On the walls of my heart

Ringing everytime I hear you

Ms. Poetry

Your voice is a loud-speaker of pain

Past, present and future

Never discouraged over trials that bear gain

You do not see color

But people

I no longer look at others 


Ms Poetry

And I can't wait to be stimulated with

Warm haikus

Tender sonnets and

Sweet soliloquies

So that one day

When I'm old and grey 

I'll simply ask you to

Speak to me 

Mar 24, 2010

''Hit-Making Industry''

I have a beef with the music industry. In fact, I don't think it should be called "Music" because it's more like "Hit-making". For every Jasmine Sullivan or Jodeci that comes along, there's at least a few dozen T-Pains or Lil' Waynes pumping out what they deem as music. What really gets to me is the power and influence that they have on this generation. These teens (and some adults; let's be real) hold on to their every word. It's to the point where as long as you have a catchy hook and a hot beat, you are the greatest artist ever. Don't believe me? Check this out:

I ain't gon' lie, that "Johnson Johnson" part is hilarious but c'mon. She got that baby lotion squeeze?! Really?! (smh haaaaaaaaaaaard). Although the industry always had artists who liked to have fun, most of it had a message. When's the last time you heard a song that had you moving like this:

Some positive stuff the grown folks can cut a rug too. Sorry for the little rant but hey, that's what the blog is all about. Until next time...

Shalom :)

Mar 21, 2010

So fine.....she blows my mind....

I'm Mint-Condition all the way. These guys have really made some great music over the years but this track has to be the most laid back one yet. A slow jam for the old-school generation:

If I could find the track online.....

Shalom :)

Mar 15, 2010

Why I love spoken-word: Reason #26

I can't believe I didn't see this video sooner but better late than never. Great subject matter as well. Shout out to all the fathers in the world who play an active role in their children's lives. You are an inspiration to this generation:

Shalom :)

Mar 14, 2010

Poem: Dave

Dedicated to this dude
I love you

I may have never said it

But everyday I try to

make it plain in our interactions

Constantly showing interest and

Filling this gap of emotions left

By our father who was absent

You and me

Me and you

Similar in essence

Different in actions

While you decide to scroll through

Life's many websites

I take the vicarious approach

Our anthem consists of laughter and foolishness

Finding common ground in life's simple moments

Our tongues never expressing

What our bodies have been saying for years

Thank you

For being who you are

And accepting me as I am

I know I haven't always been the

Wiser older brother that I should have been

Even sometimes forgetting that I am your keeper

I weep for you sometimes

In the still of the night

Praying that you may rise

To your standard of excellence

And God's

Please know that wherever you may be

I'll always be there for you

My lips may never say it

But actions will always yell

I love you

Mar 12, 2010

Montreal Human Rights Film Festival

A must-see

I went out with a friend to check out the opening night of this festival and I must say that it was an eye-opener. There were two films showing. The first was about 30 mins and spoke of a not-too-distant future  where water becomes a rare ressource to the point where people are willing to kill each other for it. The other was a full-length film of a woman's experience during the genocide in Rwanda. Both were extremely well done and fascinating. Anybody in the MTL area should MOS DEF check this out. We sometimes need to be reminded of how fortunate we really are and not take it for granted. As the saying goes, you don't know what you got till it's gone. If you'd like more info about the festival and showtimes, you can click here.

Shalom :)

Mar 11, 2010

I think I'm in love...

I'm not the type to go gaga over a girl I see. She may look good, but what can she offer once Maybeline leaves the building? But this woman right here??? This gurl right here??? Blew. Me. A. Way.

She's so nice, I gotta post her up twice:

What more can I say???

Shalom <3

Financial freedom

In the words of Dr. King: ''Free at last, free at last''

After a few years of sacrifices and hard work, I'm happy to say that I am officially debt-free. No credit cards. No student loans. Na.Da. It just feels like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The first thing I want to do is give a big offering to the Lord. I haven't been the most faithful tithe and offerings contributor but He still blessed me regardless. It may leave a hole in my pocket, but God is good. Just thought I'd share my lil' bundle of joy with the rest of y'all.

Shalom :)