Oct 13, 2010

Ebony and Ivory: A perfect harmony?

I know, I know, I know....... but I'll let Pastor Justin clear things up:

I know personally I struggle with the notion of racism within the church wall. It's not as obvious as, say, someone calling me the N word or calling someone a ''honky'' (enter 1960s slang), but racism is a reality within the body of Christ. How many times have people mentioned the term ''White church'' or ''black church'', or even commenting on the type of music that we listen to? Gospel music has become synonymous with ''black music'' whereas christian contemporary is considered ''white music''. Truth is, there are whites and blacks in both genres. Personally, this is something that I have to work on (especially music-wise). I believe that all of us have dealt with racism whether by dishing it out or receiving it but it's not a reason to continue the trend once are lives are changed by God. Last time I checked, John 3:16 states that God gave his only son so that ALL who believe in Him shall have eternal life. Not just Latinos, Africans or any other race but for everyone regardless of their ethnicity.  My prayer is that we can see pass the skin color and into the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

''Christian virtues unite men. Racism separates them'' - Sargent Shriver


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