Dec 24, 2009

Looking back at 2009 (part 1)

Well, another year is almost over and by God's grace, ya boy is breathing and ready for 2010. But before looking forward, I gotta take a few steps back and look at 2009. So for the next few days, I'll try highlighting the good and bad of 2009 to get ready for the year ahead. Let's start with the good:

Ministry: This has been something that I was struggling with ever since I got baptized. I didn't really know if I had a purpose for God. Everybody has at least ONE gift that they've been blessed with and called to glorify God with and serve others (1 Peter 4:10-11). For the last 8 years, I wasn't really sure what that was. I've been in choirs and musical groups, even preached once at church but I never really felt like it was my reason here on earth. But this year, after some soul searching, God opened my eyes like a deer in headlights (ÔÔ). I really thank Him for that and with His grace, I had a chance to start a poetry group called B.R.I.H.N. Ministries. It's still in its baby stage, but we had a chance to perform at a few venues and bring the Gospel with a fresh twist (queue shameless plug). You can check us out by clicking here

Friends: I'm a very social guy and get along with pretty much anybody I meet. However, I have very few friends who I confide in on the regular. Believe me when I say that I can count them on one single hand. But this year, spiritually, we had a chance to bond and really take that friendship to the next level. Can't say it's been easy (we can be hard-headed at times), but overall, I couldn't ask for a better group of people in my life. They are my family.

Career: This is a big one for me. The longest job that I've ever kept was about 8 months. I get bored VERY quickly and jump to the next opportunity available. Last September, I've been at my job for 2 years. 2 YEARS! Now it's not the most entertaining job in the world (the insurance business is kinda dry), but it pays the bills and has given me the chance to be a grown up when it comes to finances. Lord knows that I haven't been the best employee in the world, but I put in hard work and He's blessed me in return.

God: And now for the biggest highlight; God has been phenomenal with a brotha! I learned what it means to trust in Him and follow His ways. The journey had a few bums in the road (more on that tomorrow), but overall, He has blessed me beyond my expectations. This year, I learned what ''true love'' was. And it came in the form of someone dying on the cross so that I could be here typing these few words. I love you Lord and thank You for everything!

So those were my highs for 2009. I'll get into my lowest points tomorrow. Here's a quote from Thomas S. Monson:

''The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.''

Shalom :)

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