Dec 26, 2009

The Single Christian Experience

I was on YouTube the other day and landed on a few videos of people talking about their single experience. Here's an example of one:

It got me thinking about my own single experience. I've been travelling that road now for the last 9 months and there were times where I wish I had a significant other. All that changed when I read a book called ''Every Single Man's Battle'' (which I recommended to all the brothas out there!). Here's a quote from the book:

''You are single-maybe for a short time, maybe for a long time. You have the time for a deep spiritual journey, time like you may never have again. Why not use your sexual sabbatical as a spiritual sabbatical as well?''

I was so focused on the relationship aspect that I neglected the spiritual free-time available to spend with God. Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 7 about the advantage that the single man has over the committed man. Now does this mean that I want to stay single for the rest of my days??? NO NO NO! It simply means that I'm spending my free-time getting closer to God and patiently waiting for my future-wife to arrive. I can honestly say this single christian experience has been a blessing for me and hope that if you are going through something similar, realize that your single status isn't a drag but an opportunity for self-discovery.

That's it from me. As always, I'll leave y'all with a quote:

“When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere." - François de la Rochefoucauld

Shalom :)

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