Mar 14, 2010

Poem: Dave

Dedicated to this dude
I love you

I may have never said it

But everyday I try to

make it plain in our interactions

Constantly showing interest and

Filling this gap of emotions left

By our father who was absent

You and me

Me and you

Similar in essence

Different in actions

While you decide to scroll through

Life's many websites

I take the vicarious approach

Our anthem consists of laughter and foolishness

Finding common ground in life's simple moments

Our tongues never expressing

What our bodies have been saying for years

Thank you

For being who you are

And accepting me as I am

I know I haven't always been the

Wiser older brother that I should have been

Even sometimes forgetting that I am your keeper

I weep for you sometimes

In the still of the night

Praying that you may rise

To your standard of excellence

And God's

Please know that wherever you may be

I'll always be there for you

My lips may never say it

But actions will always yell

I love you


  1. I saw the update via facebook and thought I would check out the poem. Wow. beautiful poem! Happy Bday Dave!!

  2. Aww Jaime ... its soo powerful its lily by the way

  3. oh kenny!!! this is beautiful! im in tears, seriously...
