Dec 23, 2010

One year later...

Officially hit that 1 year mark

I didn't think it would happen but "A Livin Letter" is one year old and I couldn't be happier!!!! This time last year, I wasn't where I wanted to be and I felt like I needed to do something. At that time I wasn't sure what that THING would be but after much thought and reading, I came up with the idea of blogging about my life, as transparent as I could possibly be. I've had a blast doing it and have been pretty consistent in my posting  (although I want to share my thoughts a lot more).

So, what to expect for next year??? For one, I want to do a weekly segment where I speak my mind about a particular subject. I'm aiming more towards something on the biblical side but I'm not exactly sure what it will be for now. And two, expect more transparency from me. I've gone through some situations over 2010 and I feel I need to share some of it with you guys. Proverbs 28:13 makes this clear:

"He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy"

Anonymous programs such as AA teach you that the first step to breaking an addiction or solving an issue is to first admit that we have a problem. Christianity is no different. Pride has such a stronghold on us that we keep our mouths shut when it comes to admitting our deepest flaws. But God shows us that by doing this, we are breaking the very bonds that keep us from prospering. If you break it down, we get stronger by showing our weaknesses. It sounds scary, but it's the only way to move forward. Keeping it on the inside only makes matters worse. I don't want to start a sermon here, but I'll talk about this more at a later time.

Before I get out of here, I just wanted to say thanks to anyone who took the time to read the blog. There were times where I felt this whole thing was pointless but you guys kept me going with your kind words of encouragement. I know this blog has a purpose so as long as you keep reading, I'll keep posting. Much love to y'all. Until next time....

Shalom :)

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